THE LEGION: New Album Title, Track Listing Revealed

November 3, 2005

Swedish black/death metallers THE LEGION, featuring current MARDUK drummer Emil Dragutinovic, have set "Revocation" as the title of their sophomore album, tentatively due in early 2006 via France's Listenable Records. The artwork was once again designed by Kris Verwimp (MARDUK, ABSU, IMMORTAL),who had previously worked with the group on their debut album, "Unseen to Creation".

"Revocation" track listing:

01. Grotesque Savior
02. Virtue of Sin
03. Annihilation Chaos
04. Horror Vacui
05. Impious Gathering
06. Bloodgate
07. Deadlight Afterglow
08. Carnal Harvest
09. Nocturnal Apparition

THE LEGION's debut album, "Unseen to Creation" was released in October 2003 through Listenable. The CD was recorded at Abyss Studios with producer Tommy TÃĪgtgren and features "ten songs of complex and eclectic black/death metal, ranging in style from MORBID ANGEL to SETHERIAL."

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